Month: June 2009
Happy Birthday Cooper!
Today my baby turns one!! What a year it has been, my sweet little Cooper. You are a party wherever you go! Yesterday we had a party for the Cooper man – seven families came to our house to celebrate our little circus. There was fishing, kayaking and lots and lots…
Happy Birthday to Me!
And to MommyBlog! I am 35 and this blog is now three years old. Time flies, eh? I wanted to write something poignant, misty-eyed and reflective, but maybe I’ll save that for a Happy Birthday post to Cooper in four days… It was a good day… a great one, actually! I woke…
Series Finale
Cooper is officially weaned. This is not the dramatic statement it was when I was finally able to say that Kenny was weaned. Kenny would have nursed round the clock until he was in grade school, if I had let him. In fact, at Kenny’s 1 year check up, the doctor gently…
Literacy, Literally
While I was picking up the house a bit this morning, carrying Cooper on my hip, Kenny walked over to the bookshelf and got down a stack of especially large Tom Clancy hardbacks from the shelves and plopped them down on the couch. “What are you doing?” “I’m reading!” “Oh. Ok. Carry on,…
It’s been a busy week around here… For once, I actually took pictures as each adventure came our way. First up: a weeknight Oriole’s game! It was nearly rained out, but we survived through a delay and then headed to our seats as the drops stopped and an evening sunset came through. …
Best of Intentions
Casey and I both love our yard. We’ve completely redone it over the past five years and are proud of all we’ve accomplished. When we first moved in, it was way over-landscaped and that was way over-grown, not to mention Hurricane Isabel had just stormed through town and put the entire property under…
Casa Cuckoo
Cooper loves to hide. Yesterday morning, it took me several minutes to find him, hiding behind the curtains in our bedroom. What I should have guessed is that the game was only half the reason he was hiding. He had a monster poop in there, smell wafting deftly through the air. …
Hey, Good Lookin’
I just wanted to publicly announce that Cooper, three weeks shy of his first birthday, has suddenly turned into a real looker… His crazy little personality has just exploded. Today while I was brushing my teeth, I briefly left Kenny and Cooper playing in the floor in their shared room. Two minutes later…
Stinky Boys
Stinky Boy #1: Dudley, who has inexplicably rolled in death three times now in the last two days. For newer readers, we live on the water – on a creek off a river off the Bay – where there are fish and crabs and tiny shrimp in abundance. We have a dock as…