Month: July 2008

  • Cracking UP

    I’ve been doing a lot of that lately.   Cracking up as in laughing my head off, and “cracking up” as in oh my goodness I’ve done five loads of laundry in the last ten hours and Kenny still doesn’t have a clean pair of shorts that fit him to wear to church.   And…

  • Milk Junkie

    Cooper is an addict.   A very adorable and sweet addict, but an addict all the same.   In the evenings, it’s all I can do to get five minutes without him crying so desperately for milk that you’d think I hadn’t fed him all day.   The trade-off is that he’s been sleeping 5…

  • Mystery Cracked

    Well, we found the camera.   After ransacking the house, making a list of theft possibilities (we’d had a cleaning service and two construction workers in the house on the day the camera disappeared), we finally thought to ask Kenny.   He said, “I know where it is,” then gave us a bunch of bogus…

  • We’re Still Here…

    Cooper’s still adorable and STILL only waking once a night.   Kenny is still a loveable rascal and I STILL don’t have time to write!   And we can’t find the camera… so no new pictures at the moment. Hm… there’s a little baby doing an impressive impersonation of a woodpecker on my shoulder… guess…

  • Cooper360

    Cooper has surfer dude hair.   It is so cool.   I think it’s my favorite feature about him so far.   When he first emerged from the womb, it was curly and sticky and looked like it had frosted tips.   Now it’s downy and  some lays softly against his head and the rest…

  • Meanwhile in Kennyland…

    Having a new baby in the house, with a post-surgery mamma, means lots of time with Daddy and the grandparents! Casey and Kenny and Papa spent some time fishing on the dock yesterday…   …and they caught a record FIFTEEN (yes, that’s 15!) fish!   Kenny is doing very well, considering that his whole world…

  • Moving In

    So far so good.   Cooper and I came home Wednesday at lunchtime.   He is a great little sleeper (so far!) and a pretty vigorous eater, too.   Kenny is happy to have him home to stay… … and Casey is already prepping him on rooting for the home team. I’m having some wicked…