Month: May 2007
We’re Still Living the Dream…
… Ok, so we actually did end up driving to Las Vegas yesterday (6+ hours), then checking in at the airport with Dudley (2 hours) then waiting for our redeye to board (another 2 hours) then we flew to Washington, DC (nearly 5 hours), then drove through the morning rush hour traffic to our…
And the Winners Are…
First of all, thank you to all who entered the joint contest with LTDChix and MommyBlog for the “Living the Dream” story competition. Let me tell you, reading some of the scenes you all sent in suddenly made my own circus ring seem a lot more tame… Choosing the winners was difficult, especially because…
Tick Tock…
Per our usual adventurous tendancies, it is begining to look as if this little snow-birding family may be leaving a day early from a different city. That is to say, the forcast for Phoenix on Thursday is 105, and the forcast for Washington, DC is 90. Airlines won’t fly dogs if the tempurature…
The Countdown
With five nights left before our departure to Maryland, I think it’s safe to say that we’re all getting a little antsy. Today we had to do a “trial run” with some “relaxation pills” we had our vet prescribe for Dudley’s first airplane ride (We needed to know how the medications would affect him,…
My Old Stomping Grounds
For the past five days, I’ve been battling a tummy ache which turned nasty last night. Despite my vow to not return to the Scottsdale Memorial Hospital until the next time I had a baby, I found myself driving to the ER last night. The pain was bad, but not so horrible that…
The Art of Moving & a Living the Dream Contest!
As we wrap up our last eight days or so here in Arizona, we are in a whirlwind of last minute “To Dos:” Packing. Health Certificate for Dudley. Anti-anxiety pills for Dudley. Packing. Scheduling someone to mow our lawn so we don’t return to a jungle. Scheduling delivery of some…
Third Person Present
A few weeks ago, Kenny started understanding the intricacies of speaking in more complete sentences. What was once, “Tai-tais, pa-lease” has become, “Kenny some tai-tais now! Pa-lease!” (I should probably mention that in spite of his excellent pronounciation of most words, he still calls strawberries “tai-tais” and bananas “b-la-las” I have…
Time Well Spent
Casey decided to take a couple of days off work this week so that we could spend some unhurried family time together. Within the first day of his respite, the yard maintenance guy hired by our landlord accidentally shattered a three by eight foot window when his weedwacker hit a rock, our TV blew…
Why Weimaraners Don’t Play For the NBA
One of Kenny’s favorite pastimes was dunking this crazy basketball (covered with pictures of farm animals… don’t ask) into this Little Tikes basketball hoop that I rescued from the curb during bulk trash day a few months ago. Everytime he starts doing it, Dudley is at the ready to chase down the ball, presumeably…
Things I Learned Today
1. Do not let your toddler hold your cell phone (even if he’s talking to his grandparents) when he is eating waffles and syrup. 2. Pick up all the doggie poo in the yard everyday. Or twice a day. And explain to your toddler that only Mommies (and Daddies) can pick it…