Month: October 2008
Too Much Candy
Kenny with his cousins, pre-tirck-or-treating. Kenny politely asking his treater, “Does this have any nuts in it??” Kenny had one of the most fun nights of his life at my sister’s church’s “Trunk or Treat” Halloween party. Moon bounces and (somewhat unlimited) free candy. What more does a three-year-old need??
Exceptions Prove the Rule!
So after I wrote yesterday’s post, I put Cooper to bed at 8:30. And he was up at 10, 1 and 6. BUT, thanks to Crisanne, I put him down earlier for his first nap and he slept for nearly an hour and a half, thanks to the advice from __ about the…
Polls Aren’t Just for Politics
Those long-time readers of this blog will remember Kenny’s baby nickname: No Nap Joe. The kid slept through the night at 7 weeks, but never napped longer than 20 minutes (once or twice a day) from the time he was 8 weeks old until he was 14 months, at which time he settled into…
Pumpkin Hunting
In a desperately needed break from unpacking, we hit the pumpkin patch yesterday for some fun in the cold autumn sun! I have received comments from many of you remarking on my seemingly un-fazed attitude over the move, then move back. Lest I be too fake on this here true-life blog, let me assure…
Real Housewives of… Are you kidding me??
Today I found myself alone in the house with Cooper, I turned on the TV while nursing to veg out a little. I figured that I could afford a rare mindless moment, so I tuned in, for the first time, to one of the “Real Housewives” episodes. Incidentally, this season it’s the Real…
Kristjana & Kristjana
Me and Grandma Kay on her 90th birthday. (Thanks to my sister for finding and scanning the picture!)
Update, Part 2
The moving van arrived last Thursday night. And we were so grateful, we handed the driver a wad of cash and asked him to please turn his semi around and head on back to Maryland. Yes. I am writing tonight’s post from our living room in Maryland. We arrived home on Sunday…
The movers come tomorrow morning. So much still to do! Kenny is antsy. I think he’ll be relieved when we actually have a normal day sometime in the (hopefully very near) future. I got his room packed today – my dad came over for a few hours to play with Cooper…