Month: February 2008
Lost in Translation
Kenny speaks incredibly well, as I have written often of on this blog. But I can’t resist recording some of his adorably-odd pronunciations of words that he likes to use. After all, the mommy-blog is really part journal and part glorified baby-book right? A record of our lives that we will (hopefully)…
Par for the Course
I had such an easy, text-book perfect pregnancy with Kenny, I had a hard time believing women who told me that they “hated being pregnant.” I loved every minute of it, and often secretly thought that those with pregnancy gripes were just not taking good care of themselves. Ha. This one has been a…
Express Yourself
First off, Kenny was back to his happy, jolly, exuberant self today. He laughed and sang and ran around like a monkey – no sign of yesterday’s melancholy and no mention of wanting to go home. But I am grateful that he is learning to express himself and share how he’s feeling. …
A Little Homesick…
Today made a week since we left home for sunny skies and warm afternoons. My in-laws (at whose home we are staying) arrived on Sunday evening and we are having lots of fun. Funny, though, in spite of his adoration of his grandparents, Kenny got bitten by the homesick bug today big time.…
Animal Kingdom, Continued…
As if the alligators, cranes and herons were not enough, today on our morning walk, Casey, Kenny, Dudley and I saw a panther. Yes, a real, live, Florida Panther, crossed the street not more than 2o feet away from us. He was the same color as Dudley, but significantly larger, and was terrifying…
Alligators, Herons and Cranes… Oh My!
Down in Florida we are staying at Casey’s parent’s house. It is in a golf course neighborhood and boasts dozens of lakes and a huge array of wildlife. Today on our walk, we saw a blue heron – a perfect twin of the one that inhabits our dock in the summer, two sand…
Mystery Baby
I just realized that with all the hustle of this last minute trip south, I completely forgot to mention that I had the big 20 Week Ultrasound last Friday…. And we found out that we are having…. A Baby! That’s right, at the last minute, Casey and I agreed that we wanted to be…
Rollin’, Rollin, Rollin’…
We are packing up the car and driving south for a few weeks. We just can’t take the cold anymore. Ok, that’s not the whole story, but we are going to re-locate to Florida for a couple of weeks; Casey is able to work from there for a while, so we are jumping at…
Unders, and Other Wonders
The last few days, as Kenny’s gotten over the stomach bug that ailed him, I’ve put underwear on him instead of diapers for the afternoons. He has responded with pride and enthusiasm, and has been quite disappointed when today we left the house and I put the old Pullups back on. He hasn’t…
Tired of Playing Second Fiddle…
… Dudley decided that it was high time for him to have a little attention, too. Now for those who have read this blog for awhile, you know that when Dudley wants attention, he does not waste time with mild symptoms, but rather required trips to the emergency room for stomach surgery, or the like.…