Month: September 2008

  • It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye

    For the past year and a half, we have been meeting every Friday night with eight other couples for a social and Bible study.   To celebrate our move, and to say goodbye, one of the couples hosted a goodbye party for us.   I was so humbled and so moved by all these close…

  • Movin’ and Shakin’, Part2

    Here is Kenny’s idea of moving…. click here! … and shakin’… click again.  Seriously, aside from starting to realize that moving is not as easy as it was when I was a single gal, we are hanging in there.   But long goodbyes are tough, and we’ve known now for nearly 6 weeks about our…

  • Movin’ and Shakin’

    Our house is a wreck.   In preparation for the BIG MOVE we have pulled everything out of the three attic crawl spaces, into the respective adjoining rooms and started the process of save/give away/throw away.   Between Casey’s old Kung Fu equipment (body pads, punching bags), my gazillion pairs of dance shoes, theater scripts…

  • Happy Birthday to the Original MommyBlog Kid!

    Horribly belated, but no reflection on the sentiments… Happy Third Birthday, Kenny!! My sweet little guy turned THREE on Tuesday the 9th.   How time flies!   We had a big party for him on Sunday, with my parents and my sister’s family, as well as five other families that we are close to.  …

  • Bright Spot

    Today was a tough one.   But a little photo op did provide some redemption… Somebody give me a glass of wine and I’ll recount the day.   Make that a martini.   Dad?  

  • Milestones

    I can hardly believe it, but I find myself planning Kenny’s THIRD birthday party.   He is no longer a baby.   He is no longer a toddler.   He is an honest to goodness KID.   Yikes! I am somewhat consoled by the fact that there is still another little guy in the house…

  • Chicken Soup for the …. desktop??

    Our computer has another nasty virus-thing… I can’t look at the screen for more than thirty seconds before a “THREAT DETECTED!” popup flashes up… more posts to come, soon… I hope oh I hope…