Month: April 2009
Cliff Notes
I can’t believe I haven’t been to my own blog in over a week. What on earth have I been doing with myself? And of course now, with time to sit at the computer, all I can do is surf stories about the Swine Flu. We just found out that there is…
How ‘Bout Them Teeth?
Cooper was up again nearly all night, even loaded up with Motrin and Orajel, and I finally left him to cry it out at 5 am so I could at least get an hour or two of sleep. The first time I got up with him, as soon as I walked into the room,…
Can you just take a moment and melt? After a few sleepless nights, the little guy and his big brother fell asleep nine minutes before their official bedtime tonight to the sounds of a thunderstorm outside and the harmonious snoring of two large dogs on the big bed with us. Amen, and amen again.…
I have an odd confession to make: I’ve got a parallel life. Not a real one, one entirely in my head, but real enough that it is sometimes all the encouragement I need to get me through the day. It is nerdy, so stay with me here… Ever since Kenny was born, whenever…
Kenny, Child of the Wild
The weather finally broke today, and after three miserable days of wind and freezing rain, the sun burst forth and the air was anything but cold. Kenny and Cooper and I spent the afternoon outside, walking Dudley, swinging on the swingset, and running around the yard. I could even feel a vestige of my…
Every Wednesday, I meet with three friends (and our collective 6 preschoolers) to have coffee and work through a Bible study together. This week’s lesson focused on Joy. Actually, it was last week’s lesson, but none of us could get into the “joy thing” last week, so we agreed to revisit it this…
Test One Two Three
Yahoo! It looks as if I’m back in the saddle again. But for now, just a test post, to make sure that I’m not going to spend the next hour writing, only to have it disappear in a whirl of modem smoke… Here is Cooper, aloft: Here is Kenny, five nano-seconds after he…
Technically, Still Difficult
See my problem here is that every time I try to write a post, if I attempt to save it before publishing, my server deletes it. And unfortunately, my hosting program automatically saves what I’m writing every five minutes. Therefore, if I take longer than five minutes to conjure up something brilliant to…
Technical Difficulties
Mommyblog is having some server problems… please check back soon! 🙂 In the meantime, go check out this video… I promise it will make you smile:
Slippery Genius
My blog would so rock if I had a little recording device to hang on my shirt all day. I have moments of pure genius of wit and commentary on the daily scramble and think, “Ooh! I have to put that on my blog later today!” only to sit hours later in front…