Month: November 2007
Sick Days
Kenny and I have called in sick all week. Meaning, we’ve stayed home sick together (no activities, playdates or unnecessary errands). Casey’s been out of town the last three days on top of it, and Dudley is way deprived of walks. I wish he’d get a little sick so he’d leave us…
Boz, and other obsessions
We don’t let Kenny watch TV very often. In fact, it’s safe to say that he watches Sesame Street no more than one day a week, and no more than three times a week, I let him watch one 15 minute episode (sometimes 2) of “Boz” – a great cartoon for kids that’s endorsed…
“What Do Little Boys Do?”
Kenny started asking me this question about a week ago. He asks it every time I: A) Tell him to do (or not do) something, and B) Every time he wants to do something that he knows he may not be allowed to do. For example, he loves to eat grapes, and I…
Happy Day
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Casey, Kenny and I headed out to my parent’s house for a feast with my sister’s family and some friends. We started the day with a brisk walk, and lots of running for the dogs… all to prevent losing the turkey to a counter-surfing weimaraner… Kenny finally got…
Hubby of the Year
I haven’t been writing much lately. I’ve been under the weather, the weather itself has been miserably cold and dark and windy (oh, I miss Arizona winters!!), and I’ve had such bad writer’s block I haven’t gone near my blog in days. Now that Kenny is TWO, the milestones have slowed way…
“What’s That?”
This is a question I hear no less than 40,000 times every day. I’ve heard of the two-year-old’s incessant “Why?” but I find myself bewildered and even sometimes (*gasp*) secretly annoyed at this little addition to Kenny’s daily infinite ration of words. I didn’t mind so much when this question only referred to objects…
The Family Groove
What Mommy doesn’t love flipping through a magazine in those few spare moments of the day? And what Mommy wouldn’t love to have a relevant, easy to read, hip, funny magazine to read right on the computer? No toddlers pulling out pages, or coloring on the articles, no $4.50 at the checkout, only…
Hooked on Phonics
As I have mentioned before, Kenny was an early talker, and talks very, very well for his age. He is conjugating verbs, using correct pronouns and even dabbling in past, present and future tense. Enough to make a grammar-junkie like me proud enough to pop. But he has these little inflections of speech…
Living in Fast Forward
As I wrote last week, Casey and I took off for Mexico for a conference for an organization we are involved in, leaving Kenny for the first time for more than one night. All in all, it went great. But we’re still “recovering.” Actually, Casey and I got back on Sunday night, and…