First of all, thank you to all who entered the joint contest with LTDChix and MommyBlog for the “Living the Dream” story competition. Let me tell you, reading some of the scenes you all sent in suddenly made my own circus ring seem a lot more tame…
Choosing the winners was difficult, especially because one entry was an essay so beautiful, so beyond what I expected, it added a new dimension to the contest. I genuinely hope the author will consider submitting her piece to a magazine or two for publication! I will publish her story tomorrow, but for today, Congratulations to our co-winner, Audrey of Pinks & Blues Girls! Her story hit a chord with me for two reasons: 1. Like Audrey, I seem to be often momentarily trapped between the BC and AD eras of my life (that’s “before children” and “after delivering them” ha ha) and yet realizing that without a doubt, my life now is the far better one, and 2. Any woman with three boys under age three deserves far more than a t-shirt! How she has time to blog and write stories is beyond me, and I hope I’m still writing when I have a houseful of kids! So congratulations, Audrey, and here is her story…
I absolutely had one of those “living the dream moments” on May 22nd. And I
remember the exact day because it was the night before my birthday! I had just
hung up the phone with a girlfriend I went to college with (single girl, lives
in the LA, was calling me from her cell on the way to a “hot party”) who wanted
to wish me an early Happy Birthday wish). For the few mintues I was on the phone
with her (while I was loading the dishwasher) I was lost in “her” world for a
second.. and then as I hung up, I walked into the living room to tell my husband
it was time for the boys (I have 3 sons – 2 1/2, 1 1/2 and 7 weeks) to get baths
and ready for bed… well I walked into quite a scene –
My 2 1/2 year old was on all 4’s ON the coffee table eating Cheerio’s out of a
bowl and saying to me “look Mommy, I’m a puppy!”
My 1 1/2 year old was running around naked (sans diaper too) with Valentine’s
Day stickers all over his chest and cheeks… and happy as can be!
And my 7 week old son was on the floor smiling up at my husband – who happened
to have just been the brunt of his projectile throw-up a few minutes before!
And even though there were toys everywhere, 2 books that had been (apparently)
ripped, spilled juice on my beige (was I that naive to get that color for my
living!?) rug… and the fact that I hadn’t showered all day – had on sweats…
I thought to myself, Life can’t get any better than this!”
That was my Mommy Moment of the Week in Living My True Dream! I always dreamed
of being a mother… but I never knew it would be this absolutely amazing!
Thanks, Audrey, and Congratulations again!
PS – Check out Audrey’s blog!
4 responses to “And the Winners Are…”
That actually made me tear up. I have had so many of those types of moments with 4 kids. I have my last 3 in 4 years. I can totally relate. What a great story!
[…] **Audrey’s a winner! MommyBlog hosted a “Living the Dream” contest and Audrey’s story about “living her dream” was chosen as a winner! Go check it out – and take the time to surf around MommyBlog (it’s a great site!) – HERE! […]
What a scene! I can almost imagine it … It sounds like this mom cherishes each moment — no matter how crazy. It really is wonderful to just smile and laugh.
Personally, I know what it is like to momentarily get caught up in thinking about the single life. Just tonight, I was trying to hold a conversation at a restaurant with family members who were in from out of town. My one-year-old though wasn’t in to the scene — so, one minute I was talking about book publishing and the next, I was trying to hold a squirmy toddler who insisted on banging the wine glass I had filled with milk and a straw. I can only imagine how hard that would have been with two other little ones!
Congratulations Audrey from pinksandblues! Love your website and the great shoppint and hints it provides for all moms! Feel free to visit my website, Twilite Candles, at Click on the Arizona or Candle Link! Have a marvelous weekend everyone! Kris