
The movers come tomorrow morning.   So much still to do!  


Kenny is antsy.   I think he’ll be relieved when we actually have a normal day sometime in the (hopefully very near) future.   I got his room packed today – my dad came over for a few hours to play with Cooper and Kenny went with Casey to run errands, so I finally got in there and got organized.   The sweet little guy didn’t even try to unpack anything when he got home.   He kind-of understands that he’ll see all his toys again in a few days.   And we did keep a little bag of books and favorite toys out to have over the next few days before we fly out, and then until we can unpack his boxes.


Cooper is handling everything pretty well.   Aside from two days of non-stop nursing (my stress? his growth spurt?) he is hanging in there, considering that Mommy has had no sleep and is consuming slightly more caffeine that the recommended daily allowance for a nursing mother.


Dudley is a little nervous, but I think he knows that whatever is going on, we’re in it together, as he supervised the packing of his extra dog bowls and fetch paraphenalia.


Casey is a bundle of excited energy, a little frazzled with the latest market news in the midst of trying to buy and sell housing, but he’s like a machine tonight, getting the last bits organized and ready for the movers.


Me?   Hm.   Excited, nervous, tired, ok actually totally wiped out,  sleepless and jittery, but pretty darn jazzed, too.  


4 responses to “Countdown.”

  1. your biggest fan Avatar
    your biggest fan

    OK! it appears you all or y’all or y’ll are ready to go. by the looks of those boy’s (big guy included) you are ready to deploy to the Atlanta area. What a fun time this must be, and I can only think it will be like “Christmas” when you get to open all those presents as you arrive at your new home. Thanks for sharing this exciting time. In fact these are “the good old day’s!” of tomorrow!

  2. Ahem! What about your greatest sister ever that came over and helped too? Praying for a safe move for all of you… we will miss you so much.

  3. My business partner and I have started a new website for moms who live in the suburbs, small towns and rural settings. It’s called Out of Bound Moms and it’s just a community for moms to get together and chat about small town or suburban life and hang out in general. There is a social networking community where you can sign up for free and promote your blog. You can start a group page and promote your blog through that. The website has free membership and we don’t sell your info. it just has you sign up so you can have your own page, private messaging and privacy settings for pics and videos. It’s run my myself and my business partner charmaine, both of us are work at home moms who live in a small town. Anyways check out the website and sign up it is a fun and easy way to promote your blog that way you can drive new business to your website.

    Christi Vickers

  4. Bless your heart – I hate moving! Best wishes for a smooth as possible situation! The only nice thing about moving is purging junk and getting organized (oh, and moving in/decorating a new house).