I will be 31 weeks on Tuesday, and already the crazed-nesting instinct it kicking in. On Friday, my sister came over to help me go through all of Kenny’s out-grown clothes. They were in an mess of bags and boxes, not all quite clean and not in any kind of size order. Not only did we go through all of it, but I separated out the “neutral” newborn stuff and got it washed and folded and put into the baby dresser, all ready to go. I also had several newborn outfits for both boys and girls, and those are also washed and in the “extra” drawer, ready to pull out depending on which flavor pops out in 8 weeks. The 3 to 6 months on up are all boy clothes, but they are now neatly labeled and in under-bed storage boxes, just in case Kenny has a little brother.
I am wondering if this early insanity is a sign that the baby will come early. Or maybe just a sign that I’m fixated on finding out just who this little person is inside who is kicking me to death.
I’ve also bought fabric to recover the bassinet, which my mom is working on for me (because she can sew anything, and I am still stuck on buttons and zippers!). And I’ve gone through most of the baby “stuff” to figure out what I need for this one that I either got along without with Kenny, or borrowed and had to give back. The only box left is the baby toys, which I need to sanitize. I don’t have a nursery to decorate… this little wiggler will be in our room in the bassinet like Kenny for at least 3 or 4 months, then will move into Kenny’s room, unless we have bought a new house by then.
I am ready.
You see, I have this little crafty plan tucked into the back of my uterus. I am not-at-all secretly hoping to go into labor on my own at 37 or 38 weeks, and have this baby the good old natural way. No drugs, no whisking me off to surgery. I had planned on having Kenny naturally, but it didn’t happen. I know that there’s no “second rate” birth story, but I would really love the opportunity to give this one the old college try. I hate the idea of getting cut open again; of the long recovery and trying to take care of Kenny and the new one. My awesome OB is going on vacation the two weeks before my scheduled c-section, and I figure that if I can go into labor while he is away, I can do it.
Crazy? It’s not like I’m going to start jumping on trampolines at 36 weeks, or drinking raspberry leaf tea by the gallon, or obsessively massaging my achilles tendon or anything. I’m just thinking that it would be nice. Am I crazy??
One response to “Scheming”
Nope – you’re not crazy! I will be 31 weeks on Thursday and I feel the same way. This is my fourth baby and my fourth c-section. I always hoped to have a VBAC but after my second c-section those dreams flew out the window. I also hate being cut open and hate the recovery time even more. However, it’s nice for us “planners” to have the date in our minds and not have to wonder when/where this little critter will come.
I wish the nesting phase would set in for me but not this time! Our first three are all girls; Lilly – 8, Sophie – “almost” 7 and Emery 2. This little bundle is a boy and my how different this pregnancy has been! I’m normally full of energy when I’m pregnant, organized, love to clean, do laundry, etc. NOT THIS TIME! Thank God for my wonderful husband or our house would be a disaster!! I’m a very lucky mommy and wife and I can’t wait to meet this little man. Hang in there it’ll be here before we BOTH know it!!