Technical Difficulties

It seems that the latest post I wrote, “Things I Learned Today” was on this page for several hours – at least long enough for a couple of you to comment on it! – and then disappeared during a WordPress glitch this afternoon.   Ah… if only I had a draft copy to re-post, as I remember it was vaguely funny… my apologies to Alicia and Crisann that the post and your additions are lost in cyber-space!

As for other technical difficulties, I am apparently having one today… I am wickedly hormonal (though I won’t go to the lengths that Alicia does to describe this time of the month!) and let me tell you that  a day of hearing the continual cycle of “Cookie!   Cracker!   Juice!   Dudley!   Hep!   Om!   Blocks!   Ball?   BatandBall!   Bat!   Ball!” and on and on was really getting to me.   Sometimes Kenny has these moments where he literally says all the words he knows in a row, and then repeats over and over again until he garners some sort of response or reward.   He knows so many words now that this can go on forever.   Especially when I am peevish and charged with estrogen and other hormones gushing from the pituitary gland.

And on top of that, to log in tonight and see a whole post missing… ah… that’s too insulting.

I’ll recover, yes I will, and tomorrow is another day.   If only Kenny could learn that 5 AM in Arizona is still 5 AM in Mommy’s brain, and not time to jolt of out bed and start demanding, “Waffle-a-dip!   Nack!   O-JUICE!”   Sleep, sweet sleep… that’s all I really need.   That and  a day at a spa.


3 responses to “Technical Difficulties”

  1. hey, everytime I tried to pull up your blog yesterday, it gave me some physician’s research paper. that must have been the glitch. wish I could have read it. hang in there and love that boy for grammy!!!!

  2. Okay, I thought I was going crazy…. and that I imagined you had another post! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  3. I am, quite thankfully, on the other side of that monthly hormone surge. You’ll get there! You ARE a good mommy and a good woman. This is our mantra. It will get us through. And at least you’re keeping your sense of humor about you in your sleep-deprived state.