At our weekly home group tonight, all the women got around to talking about The One Thing that, if we could change it, would make our lives easier. For one, it would be if she could move back to the South, where her family is from. For another, if she and her husband could see eye to eye about sending the kids to private school. For me, it would be if we could magically transport our awesome waterfront house out of the boondocks and into the town where all of our friends live.
And we all laughed, because as each of our One Things were different, we knew that if we got That One Thing, there would inevitably be something else that we would discover we “needed” to change.
As the men and women merged together, more and more issues came up. One said that when you’ve got two people in a marriage union, there is always going to be someone that compromises a little more than the other – whether it’s where you live, who works or stays home, who makes the call on the big decisions. She said, “It’s never really a win-win… not that it’s a win-lose, but more like a win-kinda/almost-win.”
I have to honestly say that over all, Casey and I are pretty unscathed in this arena. In our four years of marriage, there are definitely sacrifices and compromises that we’ve made for each other, but we have never yet hit a point of impasse. And we’ve never come close to “solving” a conflict that results in bitterness or resentment for one of us. I know that it’s a hard-won state to be in, and one that we will continue to have to work on. As we remember to love and respect each other (even delight in each other!), I pray that that our road together will stay smooth.
Now if I could only figure out how to move my house…
One response to “That One Thing”
I was interested to hear about your home group! It sounds like an awesome group of people. How did you become connected with them?