Wrestling the Twenty-three Pound Wiggler

Yesterday I mentioned that Kenny has a talent for transforming his 23 pounds into more like 50 when he wants to.   Imagine a frantically writhing fourteen-month-old who has no fear of aiming his head, torpdo-like in a dive, twisting his body and throwing his entire physical force down to the floor when he wants to WALK and not be carried somewhere.   Or transforming into an octopus when it’s time to get him dressed in the morning.   Or scatters away like Spider Man during a diaper change, clinging to the edge of the bed and giggling wildly at foiling Mommy again.  

Do I sit on him?   Duct tape him to my waist?   Or do I calmly and cheerfully allow his antics and label them “highly energetic and creative?”



One response to “Wrestling the Twenty-three Pound Wiggler”

  1. Crisanne Avatar

    One thing a friend taught me (and I don’t know if I can accurately explain this) is to put Kenny on the floor and sit right next to him placing your leg across his body. It doesn’t stop him entirely, but generally slows him down enough to get the job done. Good luck with the renovations. I hope your voice is better!

    Oh, and this whole wiggling thing is one of the many phases that they all go through…here’s to making it past this one!